Monday, March 29, 2010

Otak kamu sakit ??

Bile tengok calendar yang telah penuh diconteng dengan submission date of assignment, presentation, second test, final exam and event yang nak kena handle  ? belum kira lagi duit dalam purse yang makin menipis secara tiba-tiba..ouch terus bendera kok-yok ditempek di kepala tanda kalah di medan perang melawan kehidupan normal seorang student. masa ni la segala bapak penyakit datang menerjah tanpa kasi salam fatigue,headache, migraine, tension, run of ideas, lost of train of thought  etc

So, macam mana nak handle benda alah ne. here the tips i feel free to share with my dearest reader, yoU..

 venturing into the new and unknown will open up interesting possibility. Mahunye tak headache if we are keep repeating do the same thing ! we need to explore the new things in our life, so for me, if aku stuck with this problem, I will try to explore benda yang takda relations dengan life at campus /students macam pergi equestrian parks, buat sesi sesuai sekenal dengan sebinatang (try to love animal and try to be friend with animal) cewahh mcm takde binatang lain nak propose, tapi bagi aku macam kucing, burung, arnab, hamster, ikan dah macam binatang biasa. so, aku nak try benda baru, pergila jumpa si sexy, binatang macho  dan gagah perkasa ne. orang cakap tunggang kuda  boleh kurus, betul ker ? kuda tu name MORRIES

 we can pick-up random reading materials and read. if rasa nak release tension, activiti mcm ne boleh juga reduce segala bagai problem. just pick the simple, enjoy, fun reading materials yang obviously contradict dengan apa yg kita belajar. eh, kata nak lupa beban assignment, test yg berderet tunggu.  so, put aside segala buku-buku tebal tu, and tukar sekejap ke buku yg lebh ringan dibaca mcm comics, majalh picisan ker etc . hey lets we read this book :)

Perhaps it is the first thing in my mind to take a nap. All people like this, esp kalau hari hujan, wahh layan je tido, please admit ya my reader. sleep can reduce our headache. no time for an 8-hour long sleep ? then take short power naps. 12-30 min can boost up your energy. but too much sleep pon boleh buat kita sakit kepala.

certain people will found music as the medium to release their tension. yesh, I agree! depends to individu tu sendiri to choose on which type of music they enjoy to listen. some of us, bila dah tension dorang akan pegi jamming, ketuk ketuk ketuk hahh hilang terus problem.Tapi, dah kepala tu tengah serabut, takkan nak dengar lagu yang serabut juga, so pilih la genre lagu yang boleh kasi anda cool and relax. So, layan lah John Legend hahwawa (influence dari kwn aku neh, uish uish uish ). lagi, xkan dengar lagu je bang ? dengarlah ayat-ayat suci al-Quran juga, yg confirm boleh kasi jiwa, kepala, otak anda tenang dan nyaman .

<<< baby ne rock, pengganti masa depan man kidal

therapy diri dengan memasak !! tengok ibu kita, dorang masak-masak tension ke tak ? so, this is one way to reduce pressure. To ladies, boleh try ne, oh lelaki juga, sape ckp lelaki masak digelar awww, tidak sama sekali. cuba tengok chef-chef yg famous tu, sape?lelaki kan, macho ke patah ? tgk Jimmy Oliver sudah . activity ne juga mengasah our imagination to be more creative !

LAUGH, I believe in laughing until milk comes out of your nose and living everyday to the fullest! don't wait to AHA moment but you, yourself have to create it, try to remember the funniest memory you have through in your life. SMILE, senyumlah kpd sesiapa saja, kerana senyuman itu penawar duka dan juga sedekah. So Say cheese and cheesy wedges !!


Aku bukan nak tulis lyric lagu " Two is better than one " by boys like girls feat taylor swift , if nak, sila goggle kan diri anda ya. just nak ckp, bila rasa bosan, tak boleh tido, kamo boleh ajak member-member sekepala utk lepak2 bersama. So, this is the function of friends, dikala susah dan senang.  Groups together with your friends and start to plan/brainstorming dan terus lupakan tekanan anda.
gossip gossip gossip, lelaki pon bergossip kan, jgn ingat perempuan je

huhhh, penat memerah idea, ape lagi yang boleh buat to release tension, to reduce our headache, migrain dan dot dot dot.. So, macam mana pula kamo yang tengah baca entry zai ne, apa yang korang buat bila berada di situation climax seperti diatas. any ideas ?


theSkycrapper said...

Zai, i choose music, laugh+smile and sports..& shopping (ni jarang sgt)..still my 1st choice is music..nice tips zai!..=)..thanks for sharing..

iemaZAIMAH said...

sy terjun bangunan =)

haha!semua ima buat!but reading kdg2 xefektif sgt coz bukak buku physics..haha!

Anonymous said...

maC na nyanyi lgu 2 smpi abes kt cni ley?

good one zai! :D

Merah Baldu said...

suka dgr lagu...ish2 lagha..lagha..kene bce al-quran actually..bru tenang

zai said...

skycrapper :shopping? jarang2 sbb pocket dh nipis, cube kalo tebal, confirm la selalu

eima : dah arwah la kamo eima terjun bngunan,yg g ambek buku physic tu wat gapo

macy : boleh je, kalo suara macy xsumbang hahah, kalo sumbang cepat blahhh

merah : hehe, lagu semua org suke, saye pon !!

Aida Effarina said...

i'll listen to the music! but NO ROCK.
music is the best way to express our feeling. hehh takde kaitan. :D

Yudi Kurniawan (a-One) said...

waw keren sukses ya,,,,,,

Akmad Toshiro said...

YUPP!! TWO IS BETTER THAN ONE...but sometimes, one is better gak..hehe..MUSIC is GREAT HEALER too

zai said...

aida : ada kaitan

anak jambi : ya,ya sukses, sama juga kamu

akey : sometimes yer, bkn selalu

conclusionnya ramai org pilih music, sebab music represent the understanding the complexity of human beings so sama mcm zai !!

Syida Shu said...

kalau i , i prefer reading and cooking . heee . sebab benda tu benda yang i minat . so do things yang kita minat lah kan . hehe thanks for the tips zai !

nisa j ramli said...

tid0 lagi bes! muahaha

zai said...

syida: best choice syida, nnt bole la masak kat zai huhuuu. thx

nisa : hehh, itu yg best