Wednesday, February 17, 2010

case : Married vs Divorced

Since cuti CNY ari jumaat till Isnin (in north area) and bersambung pulak dgn cuti Mid term aku so dptla 1week off mesti bnyk kenduri yg nak kene attend right ? so time ontheway nak balik kg, nak pergi kenduri,my sis and aku pon dok kecoh sembang-sembang merapu dalam kete tu sambil dok layan 98.1 in kedah (ahha iklan jup).

since kiteorg nak attend one of the kenduri kawen my sis's friends,  then, tersesat pulak cerita psl one of her friends kot, if I'm not mistaken, propose his girlfriends dkt tepi pantai tu sambil pakai t-shirt "will you marry me"..then aku cakap wuahh romantiknye lelaki tu. bestnye if dpt guys mcm tu and how lucky that gurl !! alangkah romantiknye if aku pon begitu tppp

tetibe je after cerita tu..with my spontaneous idea,aku pon cakap la ...

" time nak propose jadi isteri ker jdi girlfriend ker siap anta bunga berjambang-jambang, bunga tahi ayam la, roses,orkid,bunga raya la, dinner kt restaurant berputar tgh2 bandar, tgh makan pon U tgk I, I tgk u, I tgk U lagik hee ,pakai baju pon same colour (tidak ditujukan pade sesiape samada yg maseh hidup or tlh mati)...but time nak divorce ade tak dorang wat mcm tu...pegi tepi pantai,pakai t-shirt "will you divorce me ?" 

ahhaa.. tak kan..skrg nak divorce senang je just divorce via text je..xpon taw-taw dh dpt surat lawyer suh pegi court..humm

humm..that what we call..nikmat cinta muda-muda..and this story tlh diceritakan to my Ayah and Mak and they laughed !!

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